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Wrong Ban


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Hi! The above username 'sinduri' is a proxy for the username 'ankm', which has been denied access to the helionet community. I have an account at 'stevie' server where I intend to host maindomain 'ankurmutreja.com' under the username 'ankm'. I initially opened an account with username 'ankur' at the server 'johnny' for hosting maindomain 'ankurmutreja.com'. However, without knowing that it would be considered as account duplication, I opened another account with username 'ankm' at 'stevie' server for hosting domain 'ankurmutreja.tk' for finding out which server host would be better. But then I found 'stevie' is better for my needs, therefore I suo moto deleted my account at 'johnny' server and changed the main domain for 'stevie' to 'ankurmutreja.com'; this changes were made before my domain was hosted, in fact even now my domain is not hosted and is queued at 'johnny' server. Now, when I tried opening the helionet account with username 'ankm', I was denied access to the community, which seems to me to have been done for it is being considered that I have duplicated accounts, but I have read the TOS, and as per the TOS, even in the case of duplication, member is asked to delete on of the account, which in my case has already been done. Anyways, I would like you to assist me so that my domain 'ankurmutreja.com' may be hosted at 'stevie' under the username 'ankm', and so that I am not denied access here when I login using the username 'ankm', this proxy username will be discontinued thereafter. Thanks.

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I'm not quite sure why you can't login to helionet with another username but just keep the username you have now (sinduri) and it won't have any effect on the heliohost account you have on stevie. As far as the domain name ankurmutreja.com, let me delete it and anything to do with it because changing domain names like that from johnny to stevie really screws things up with the ns records. Once I delete it and all of the ns records with it, I'll let you know so you can re-create it again. Is this ok with you?

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