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[Solved] Site Down After Mysql Upgrade Ifeelstupid


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I have the same problem with "http://cbeacctg.tk". I got a notice to update wordpress to 4.3.1. I could not back up my site or the database before I did the update. My web page will not open. Softalicious says it updated my database while doing the wordperss update to 4.3.1. Then it said update done, go to "http://cbeacctg.tk/wp-admin/network/upgrade.php?action=upgrade", where I get:


Error establishing a database connection


This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host's database server is down.

  • Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
  • Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  • Are you sure that the database server is running?

I have not changed the username or password.

I am sure I typed the correct hostname.

I a NOT sure the database server is running. Is there a problem? Where, exactly, is my wordpress database?

I am sure I cannot access my site at all. Well, since wordpress defines everything at the site as items in the database, if there is a problem with the database, the site will not show anything.

I do have older backups of my software and database from previous wordpress version updates. But if the database server is not running, I don't think putting and older version back will help.


I hope I hear from you soon. Have a nice day!


How can I tell if the database server is running?


I tried to go to phpmyadmin using cpanel. I got a page asking me to enter my username and password, which firefox helpfully remembers for me. I logged in and got sent to "http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/cpsess4470198240/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php". Unfortunately, that url has no code at all. Showing the page source showed me nothing at all.

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<p>Actually, on cpanel, selecting PhpMyAdmin takes me to:</p>

<p> </p>


<p> </p>

<p>where I get this error:</p>

<p> </p>


Welcome to <bdo dir="ltr" lang="en">phpMyAdmin</bdo></h1>

<div class="error"><img alt="" class="icon ic_s_error" src="http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/cpsess4470198240/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/themes/dot.gif" title="" /> #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server</div>

<div class="error"> </div>

<div class="error">What did you mean by "will need to either wait until innodb is fixed"?</div>

<div class="error"> </div>

<div class="error">On the other hand, when I select "MySQL Databases", I am directed to :</div>

<div class="error"> </div>

<div class="error">http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/cpsess4470198240/frontend/x3/sql/index.html</div>

<div class="error"> </div>

<div class="error">where I get this error message at the top:</div>

<div class="error"> </div>

<div class="error">This server is running an unsupported MySQL version (5.1). Ask your system administrator to upgrade MySQL to improve security and features.</div>

<div class="error"> </div>

<div class="error">But it does show my database for my wordpress site, which still just shows<br />


Error establishing a database connection</h1>

<p> </p>


<div class="error">Is there a problem? I could restore an earlier version of my database, but I would loose all recent comments on my website comment page, and if the database server is not working, that would not fix my problem.</div>

<div class="error"> </div>


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The error about the old MySQL version is irrelevant and can be ignored (we aren't planning to upgrade as far as I know). Your issue is with your database user or your wp-config.php (the database user and its password need to be correct in that file). The user must also be assigned to your database.


Restoring the database is unlikely to fix the problem.


If you're sure you've checked all this, I'm not sure what else is wrong. Every other case we've seen has been caused by one of the issues mentioned.

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OK, I used cpanel to use the file manager and looked at my cpeacctg/www/wp-config.php (which was last modified in 2013). It says the database is 'feeldumb_wpcatk' and give a password for this. Then I tried to change the database password to match the password in my wp-config.php file. That is when I got this notice:


Although the system’s database map includes a MySQL user named “feeldumb_wpcatk”, the MySQL server reported that no user with this name exists. Contact your system administrator.


Are you, by chance, the system administrator I am supposed to contact? If not, could you tell me how to contact the system administrator?

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That message means "cPanel thinks this user exists, but when it asks MySQL to change its password, MySQL says it does not exist".


Just delete the user and recreate it. Use the username and password you got in wp-config.php when you create the new one. Also, be sure to assign the new user to the database you use for Wordpress.

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Well, I removed and recreated the user, again. Then I backed up both the website and the database, which softalicious claims is wordpress version 4.3.1, which was what got me into this in the first place. However, after, supposedly, successfullly backing up the website, I again tried to finish the wordpress update by going to:




and got this:


Can’t select database


We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the feeldumb_wpcatk database.

  • Are you sure it exists?
  • Does the user feeldumb_wpcatk have permission to use the feeldumb_wpcatk database?
  • On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_feeldumb_wpcatk. Could that be the problem?

If you don't know how to set up a database you should contact your host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress Support Forums.



ok, so I delete the user again, I got this:


Deleted the user feeldumb_wpcatk Timeout: Alarm.


And that user is gone, so I recreate the user, told success.

And I get a manage user privileges screen, where hit make changes, without adding any privileges, since I do not know which ones.

Then I hit 'go back'

And again try both:








No luck, same messages as before.


Any further suggestions?

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And I get a manage user privileges screen, where hit make changes, without adding any privileges, since I do not know which ones.

Then I hit 'go back'

This is your issue. The easiest fix is to select "All Privileges" at the top when asked; most people just do this to make it simple. If you want, you can manually select CREATE, ALTER, DROP, SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, which are the most commonly needed privileges.

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Well, that was fun. Softalicious never properly installed the wordpress update 4.3.1. With your help, I did get my website working. After several tries at updating wordpress using softalicious, and always having to restore it to the previous version, I finally did the wordpress update to 4.3.1 from inside the wordpress administration at my website (http://cbeacctg.tk). However, now softalicious seems to think my site is still wordpress 4.2.4. I really would not care much, since wordpress says it is 4.3.1, and seems to be working. However, since I am careful, I did a backup (which softalicious allows and recomends) before I did the wordpress update - not through softalicious, since that was not working. That backup contains my wordpress website and my wordpress database, and nothing else. After I did the update, I went back to softalicious and redid the bckup, so, in theory, I have a backup from after the update - but softalicious says it is a version 4.2.4 wordpress backup. Just a little confusing, for me. I suppose I can just wait for the next wordpress update, and, if softalicious updates correctly my web site, that will fix it.

I am a little surprised that softalicious does not actually check my web site to get the wordpress version currently there. Oh well. Just thought I would leave a note for you, maybe you can see what is happening with softalicious. Maybe it will affect others besides just me.


Thanks again for your help! Have a nice day!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, my website (http://cbeacctg.tk) is gone again. When I try to use PhpMyAdmin, it asks for a username and password, and I enter my heliohost username and password, and it goes to URL:




Which has no source and displays nothing. So I try mySQL Databases, which is where I deleted and recreated the database user for my wordpress website, which worked long enough for me to upgrade to the new version (although softaculous would not do the upgrade correctly).


Anyway, when I tried to check the database, I got this:


feeldumb_wpcatk is now being checked.

Error from MySQL query: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Unknown database 'feeldumb_wpcatk'Failed to use feeldumb_wpcatk: Unknown database 'feeldumb_wpcatk'


Check Complete


I really wold like my website to last more than a week without these weird problems.


And I sort of wonder what, if anything, I am doing wrong that makes phpMyAdmin not work.


Thank you. Looking forward to your reply. Have a nice day!


Oh, yes, when I try to go to "http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/cpsess2070220352/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php"

I see this error message:


#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server


Is there a problem?


Actually, my other database also fails to check

Error from MySQL query: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Unknown database 'feeldumb_aban674'Failed to use feeldumb_aban674: Unknown database 'feeldumb_aban674'


Check Complete


I did back up my database, but if MySQL is not working on Stevie, restoring the database will not accomplish much.

I could, again, recreate the database user, with the correct password that matches what is in wp-config.php (with all privleges), but I doubt that would do much if Stevie has a problem with MySQL.


Is there a problem?

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We broke it while finishing the mysql fix...


Change your cpanel password (again). Krydos needs to fix those database for you. Once that's done, you delete and recreate your users if you haven't already.





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The databases listed should now be visible to your root mysql account. You may need to delete, recreate, and reassign permissions to any database users that should have access to the affected databases. If phpmyadmin doesn't log in properly or you don't see the database there change your account password and this should sync up the mysql/cpanel passwords. Let us know if you're still having any issues accessing your data.

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Well, again, I used MySQL Databases, and deleted and replaced the database users for both of my databases, which made both cbeacctg.tk and teaseleather.tk start working again. Thank you. Hope this lasts a little longer this time.


However, when ever I try and use phpMyAdmin I end up at this URL:




Which sometimes shows:


#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server


I use my heliohost username and password (since I do not know any better) to log in, and it then shows URL:




Where noting is displayed, and the source also shows nothing.


Which account password do you suggest I change? And can I change it to be the same as the current existing password?


Sorry to be so stupid. Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a nice day!

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