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  1. can i substitute the header(); with the exit();? found solution: <script>setTimeout('top.location = \'index.php\'', 1000);</script>
  2. ..... However,the refresh functionsoI do notdo any good and will not work because there are already included in the beginning of the output in header.php
  3. The code is header("Refresh: 1; URL= index.php"); and it's put in this code: elseif ($p == "logout") { session_destroy(); echo "Logout effettuato con successo!"; header("Refresh: 1; URL= index.php"); ob_end_flush(); and here if($verificadati == 1) { $sessione = mysql_fetch_array($recuperadati); $_SESSION['username'] = $sessione['username']; echo "Login effettuato con successo!"; header("Refresh: 1; URL= index.php"); ob_end_flush(); the code header auto-refresh the page after a command
  4. thanks, if u know another solution for the collision of the output and header("Refresh..") problem i'm happy to know it!
  5. i know, in fact, i request that was added by the admin if you can
  6. i need to add in php.ini this command: output_buffering because i have a problem with the output echo before the header
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