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  1. Shinryuu - i did not know how to check which version cpanel uses, silly me. thank you so much for your help, it works now
  2. Shinryuu - json doesnt work as well, not just simplejson Krydos - im on Johnny server. on my machine im using python 2.7. maybe its not the version the server is running? can i set it to be 2.7? thank you both for the replies
  3. Hello. i tried to run some basic python cgi files, which worked perfectly, with some imports. however, when i try to 'import json' or 'import simplejson', i get error 500 - internal server error. json is supposed to be baseline. am i missing something? what is wrong? Thanks! edit: link to screenshot of error: json module not found http://i.imgur.com/zIk69vp.jpg
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