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  1. all my softwares are using MYSQL. and nothing working . can you suggest the period when SQL will again be stable??
  2. FACING PROBLEM WITH SQL SERVER BASED SOFTWARES. RECENTLY WHEN INSTALLING QDPM THE FOLLOWING LINE OCCURRED The following errors were found : Could not make the query numbered : 6 MySQL Error No : 2013 MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query PLEASE HELP
  3. FACING PROBLEM WITH SQL SERVER BASED SOFTWARES. RECENTLY WHEN INSTALLING QDPM THE FOLLOWING LINE OCCURRED The following errors were found : Could not make the query numbered : 6 MySQL Error No : 2013 MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
  4. thanx but still i can't go to mail.rhmedical.heliohost.org there says the account is suspended. help please sorry not suspended it says HelioHost Account Queued help please
  5. now what should I do to start the web. please help
  6. my HelioHost username = sona the server my account is on =stevie my HelioHost main domain = rhmedical.heliohost.org please help . we can not start wokring with the website. everything got blocked oother than the site. regards
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