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  1. Past hour
  2. For anyone who searches and finds this thread. You can verify your own domains via HTML verification without the need to contact an admin or use external DNS. Go to https://search.google.com/ and login or sign up. Click "add property" and when you select property type select "URL Prefix" NOT "Domain", and it will give you an html file to put on your website.
  3. Today
  4. Added. Non-authoritative answer: agriglowbiotech.com text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip6:2001:470:1:1ee::2009 ~all" agriglowbiotech.com text = "google-site-verification=7NBJ1soWVWT76hs2le6Rq0RDwbd5r-zeXw3fl8a0PB8" > There should be an HTML verification method as well though.
  5. Thanks for the response , I update the robot.txt and I am still not able to have google crawl through the site. can you add DNS TXT record (Shared in privet message)?
  6. The module python-docx has been installed on Johnny's Python 3.10. You can see the current list of installed modules and their versions at https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py
  7. Your robots.txt is really blocking Google (in fact it is blocking all crawlers). Instead of Disallow: / use Allow: /, and if you want to block a specific path use Disallow: /admin for example.
  8. This means that Google has not yet indexed your site. Add it to Google Search Console and submit an XML sitemap so all your pages can be indexed. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/34592 If you are afraid that the Google crawler is being blocked, check your site's robots.txt file.
  9. Hi team, im trying to reach my site via google search but unable to do so. Are we blocking google web crawler? try “site:agriglowbiotech” in Google search and instead of my site our discussion forum appears as a result.
  10. Hello team, I already have my domain `damandeepsingh.com` associated with account `daman`. I don't see a way in plesk to create a new subdomain for same. Can you please add `gists.damandeepsingh.com` and `gist.damandeepsingh.com` to the same. Thanks, Daman
  11. Requests and beautifulsoup4 are already present but older versions (whether we can update without breaking other users, I don't know), and python-docx needs to be installed. Krydos can do this.
  12. I’m currently working with python3.10 and need some libraries, but then I found that I couldn't install these modules. Please help me. requests==2.31.0 python-docx==1.1.0 beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 Thanks in advance.
  13. Domain karvp.helioho.st has been added. It can take up 2 to hours to work.
  14. Hi there, I would like to add a new free subdomain name, karvp.* (karvp.helioho.st, or any that you provide). My username is "karvp" Thank you.
  15. The account chene5365 has been unsuspended. It may take a few minutes before it works.
  16. You're suspended for having more than one account. Which account do you want to keep?
  17. 请取消暂停我的帐户。 账号: Chene5365 服务器:约翰尼 域:xn--yfr04ao8eh69e.rr.nu 谢谢。 Translate.google.com: Please unsuspend my account. Account: Chene5365 Server: Johnny Domain: xn--yfr04ao8eh69e.rr.nu Thanks.
  18. You were suspended for using 10029 CPU when the limit is 10k in 24hrs. Be sure to keep track of your load at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load Unsuspended.
  19. Hi there, When I logged in this morning, I was suspended, I think this is caused by my website exceeding the memory usage limit of 100GB/24h. Yesterday I made a script wich reccords cloud logs of a project on scratch.mit.edu to debug. It said the estimated memory usage was around 50GB, sadly that estimation wasn't correct. Now I'm suspended. It makes me sad becouse I really wanted to improve my coding skills and test around. I'll remove the logging script completely when I get unsuspended (or maybe a moderator can delete it?). Thanks, cioudo
  20. Yesterday
  21. Account deleted. Thanks for trying out heliohost.
  22. Please delete my account, as I was only exploring the features you offer for free.
  23. Last week
  24. Installed. You can see the current list of installed modules and their versions at https://krydos2.heliohost.org/pyinfo/info3.10.py
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