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Ice IT Support

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Everything posted by Ice IT Support

  1. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  2. I assume you have used http://heliohost.org/home/signup to create your account? EDIT: Merged topics.
  3. When did you create the account? New accounts need at least 24-48 hours to become available.
  4. The disk space usage report might help: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/diskusage/index.html
  5. You are getting that error because your database name needs to start with your cPanel username and an underscore (miranda_). It is trying to create a database named my_wiki. It should be miranda_my_wiki. Change your database name and try installing again.
  6. It could be that the new version of cPanel finds the databases overnight. That happened to me too after cPanel was upgraded. Is it increasing without you uploading anything? Check for error_log files and core dump files throughout public_html.
  7. Stevie is working fine for me. Johnny went down for a few minutes though. http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/archive/?2014-06-20
  8. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  9. Those errors are a result of the MyIsam engine issues. Re-creating the database from a backup, as you were trying to do, would likely have solved those errors. Databases created through phpMyAdmin aren't expected to show up in cPanel (I can't explain why, but it's always been that way). Databases created in cPanel that don't show up in phpMyAdmin is a new issue though.
  10. Your account was suspended for spam and cannot be unsuspended.
  11. I have no idea why it would do this; that is very bizarre. Do you receive emails you send now on time?
  12. Did you received these emails at the time they were originally sent (in March for this one), or is this the first time you have ever received this email?
  13. Since the domain nirmalacorp.com is an addon domain, subdomains such as mail.nirmalacorp.com are not automatically created. You will need to create the subdomain manually, and then redirect all traffic to that domain to https://stevie.heliohost.org:2096
  14. What server are you on? Also, could you provide the code you are using to connect to SMTP and send the email please?
  15. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  16. Did you try imap_open("{mail.nyten.heliohost.org:143}INBOX", "test@nyten.heliohost.org", "PASSWORD");
  17. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  18. I'm seeing your site fine. Try clearing your cache. Are you having an issue with a specific page?
  19. The trick is to make sure you login to a page named index.phpcp, not index.html. Logging in at the bottom of heliohost.org, for example, will get you to that page.
  20. That domain appears to be resolving fine now.
  21. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  22. I have manually reset your password and emailed it to the address registered with your account. Your account was not suspended.
  23. First try connecting to localhost. Once that's done and it still doesn't work, I have ideas of other possible causes, but I want to ensure that the locahost isn't the issue.
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