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Brother Hassan

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Posts posted by Brother Hassan

  1. This is the result of users sending spam from HH's servers, causing the server and shared IPs to be listed as dangerous. Also HH has suffered from attacks in the past... The community can not send spam or place malicious content on their site, use strong passwords and of course follow the TOS. The administrators would have to request removal from blacklists, I highly doubt it will happen automatically.


    Don't we have a limit on the maximum number of emails we can send at one time ?

  2. Why does everyone think it is a scam when it's free? Have your ever checked any Advertising company, like Adsense or Adfly? Their service is free, because they earn money with ads and give you a cut. Paying to advertise doesn't make sense. Then you'd have to pay to show their ads. That'd be insane.


    I totally agree with you. Why will people want to pay for something someone can provide for free.

    Providing a free service or revenue sharing is a nice way of helping out when you can.


    Hassan's system is for pages with a lot of fans (like 10,000+) and it makes sense. Even traditionally, websites with a lot of visitors will make

    a fortune with adsense.


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