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Posts posted by majazac

  1. Well, of course that Materazzi called his sister names, but is not a reason for what he did. Sure he's a great player, sure he shouldn't be remembered for what he did, but he did it. And it was WAY wrong. Kinda unforgivable... So...

  2. i'd have to agree in certain aspects. As I said, humans are social animals. They relly on the others to live. They need other people to survive. That's certain. But one thing is to speak in a minor term and the other is a global stand. I'm social, i have plenty friends, love to hang out, to leave. But still, if you ask me if I agree, let's say, that english should be world's language and islam the religion of everyone, or that i should sing la marsaillese instead of my national anthem, then i would deny. Even if the thing at stake was world unity. But that doens't mean that i hate all this or that i disagree that anyone should applaud it. That just mean that I would like to keep my cultural, country identity. So that's the problem with world unity and human selfish nature. Is to decide what would be the "pattern" to a global identity instead of local ones.

  3. To win, yes, you'll have to pick NO. Because there is much more arguments to NO than there is to YES. As I said and nilyaz said too, human being is selfish and would always stood up for their believes as the better one.


    In the case you mentioned, of an alian invasion, then maybe they would unite. But it wouldn't be a real unity. I would be a unity in an emergency, an animal impulse to survival. For the same reason you would unite with your worst enemy if your life were at danger. It's a mere impulse not a real unity. So therefore, speaking of a real unity, then I still go with NEVER. Even with the progressive unity that HL mentioned, would still be almost impossible, because of the language, religion, cultures, believes barriers. Everyone would want to adopt their own as the one.

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