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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. Not just Harry Potter, but in general, I notice people saying "The book was better than the movie" just to appear smart. If you talk to them for a few minutes, you will notice about half of them didn't read the book at all.
  2. Hey, just today at walmart, I saw a USB harddrive redefine Gigabyte to be 1,000,000,000 bytes. In parenthesis they stated a computer gigabyte is 2^30 bytes.
  3. It's because they know that most people don't know the difference between the metric system and the pseudo-metric system used by computers.
  4. mod is a file format for music. Simply, it's like midi in that you can edit notes and lengths and pitch and such. But with the realism of using wavs as samples. And many more controls. If done right, you could make a commercial quality song, including singing, etc. But more commonly it is the generic term to refer to video game music, or "chip tunes".
  5. hats May I suggest that we avoid plurals? I couldn't think of a non-plural word. But leaving the last letter to be an "S" is really giving us fewer words and this could be considered a "3 letter" game instead of 4 if they are all plural. On the next opportunity can somebody please try to remove the "s"?
  6. Three 12 year olds, at least. Please tell me that is a hexadecimal number. I'm 17, not exactly an adult myself. I like music and programming. I like to program games though I'm not a gamer.
  7. if you're better at math you should use mod, if you're not so good at math but have a good knowledge of music then MIDI is probably better.
  8. Viruses mutate. Since viruses are not technically alive, does that count as evolution?
  9. Maybe he means MIDI/mod or some virtual instrument.
  10. I think we discussed this a while back... there was like a third party or something that did this for you...
  11. Just a joke I heard. A guy is driving his car with a voice activated radio. He says "rock" Some rock starts playing. He says "techno" Techno plays. He almost crashes and shouts "crap!" Rap starts playing. Another version, He almost hits some kids and shouts "f---ing kids!" Michael Jackson began playing. Sorry it's not that relevant or contributive, just something I was told.
  12. If you are interested in taking extended screen shots of websites, you can use "Screengrab!". It's an add-on for Firefox though if that's okay. It's useful for long web pages that you want to take one screen shot of.
  13. EX-TER-MIN-ATE!!! I have all of the 9th and 10th Doctor on my computer : )
  14. Agreed, foxxD. Anyone can get a gun illegally so it does no good to make them all illegal.
  15. If I had the money I would buy the CDs, but I don't. Which really defaults to them not making a profit from me either way, so it doesn't matter if I download songs.
  16. About one year, which is almost too long because we get robbed a lot.
  17. Since you're questioning the laws of reality and physics by saying something must create something. Then perhaps whatever created the law didn't follow them itself. There was no such physical law and therefore it simply was. It's like arguing about reality itself.
  18. I agree. Even if you believe in said religion it would be easy to accept both of them by saying God created originals and let them to experiment and evolve.
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