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Everything posted by auyfoip

  1. Like all existential matters, it depends on how you define it. Namely, what is will supposed to be free from? The most natural way to look at it may be a matter of degrees- from more free to less free. At a certain point, we might look at it all and say "hey, this will is pretty free, I'll call it a free will"- that doesn't mean it has to be free from everything, in a colloquial sense. Infinitely free may not even have any meaning. Recommend you read some articles by Daniel Dennett for a compatibilist view. Not saying I agree with him, but it's interesting anyway; and it all comes down to the definition. In life, almost nothing is really 100%. But sometimes things are 99.999%, and that's good enough for government work. You're probably right, but it's just something to think about.
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