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  1. Hey admin, I got ths error " Execution /opt/plesk/php/8.2/bin/php has failed with exit code 1, stdout: , stderr: Creating a "laravel/laravel" project at "./laravel_tmp" Installing laravel/laravel (v10.3.3) - Downloading laravel/laravel (v10.3.3) - Installing laravel/laravel (v10.3.3): Extracting archive Failed to extract laravel/laravel: (9) '/usr/bin/unzip' -qq '/home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/tmp-b20df6c9330f0fac3512afd97a844de7.zip' -d '/home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/fe6445d8' unzip: cannot find or open /home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/tmp-b20df6c9330f0fac3512afd97a844de7.zip. This most likely is due to a custom installer plugin not handling the returned Promise from the downloader See https://github.com/composer/installers/commit/5006d0c28730ade233a8f42ec31ac68fb1c5c9bb for an example fix Install of laravel/laravel failed In ZipDownloader.php line 222: '/home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/tmp-b20df6c9330f0fac351 2afd97a844de7.zip' is a corrupted zip archive (0 bytes), try again. create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--add-repository] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vcs] [--remove-vcs] [--no-install] [--no-audit] [--audit-format AUDIT-FORMAT] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--ask] [--] [<package> [<directory> [<version>]]]" while install a skeleton to a sub domain. It's chat.ppblk.space can you install laravel for me at there !
  2. Hello, happy new year, why is my account closed? Please activate my account, dear support, I didn't do anything wrong, please help me, how many days has my account been blocked.
  3. 29 const forEach = (obj, callback) => { ~~~~~ Here's the part of the code: /** * Performs the specified action for each element in an object. * * @param {Object} obj * @param {(value:any, key:string)=>void} callback A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the <b><i>callback</i></b> function one time for each element in the object. */ const forEach = (obj, callback) => { let value; //context = context || this; //apply the function to 'this' by default for(const key in obj) { if(key !== 'length' && obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { //to rule out inherited properties value = obj[key]; if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(value, key); } } } /** * Appends new elements to the end of an object, and returns the new length of the object. * @param {Object} obj * @param {...any} items New elements to add to the object. */ const push = (obj, ...items) => { let k = obj.length || 0; items.forEach((value) => { obj[k] = value; k++; obj.length = k; }); } const SGNUIKit = { isReady: false, isInit: false, isPreloaderHeld: false, configs: { 'urls': { 'api': { 'geonames': 'https://secure.geonames.org/', 'osm': 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/' }, }, 'api': { 'geonames': '' //username }, 'geocoding': { 'defaultAPI': 'osm' } }, components: {}, onChangeListener: {}, onInitListener: {}, onReadyListener: {}, callCounts: { 'init': 0, 'ready': 0, 'config': 0, 'component': 0, 'holdPreloader': 0, }, /** * This callback is called when a component is loaded/removed or the status of readiness is changed. * * @callback SGNUIKitChangeCallback * @param {string} state The name of the state which is changed. * @param {boolean|JSON} value The value of the state which is changed. * @param {JSON} components The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components, or an empty <b><i>JSON</i></b> object if no components loaded. */ /** * This callback is called when <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready. * * @callback SGNUIKitReadyCallback * @param {boolean} isReady the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. */ /** * Add a loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> component. * * @param {{}} config The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of the <b>SGNUIKit</b> configuration options. */ set config(config) { if(config !== undefined && config !== null && config !== "") { this.configs = new SGNUKConfig(config); this.callCounts.config++; forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("config", config, this.configs)); } }, /** * Get the list of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components. * * @return {Object} The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components, or an empty <b><i>JSON</i></b> object if no components loaded. */ get config() { return this.configs; }, /** * Add a loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> component. * * @param {{}} value The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of the loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> component. */ set component(value) { if(value !== undefined && value !== null && value !== "") { Object.assign(this.components, value); this.callCounts.component++; forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("components", value, this.components)); //this.onChangeListener.forEach((listener) => listener("components", value, this.components)); } }, /** * Get the list of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components. * * @return {object} The <b><i>JSON</i></b> object of loaded <b>SGNUIKit</b> components, or an empty <b><i>JSON</i></b> object if no components loaded. */ get component() { return this.components; }, /** * Check if a <b>SGNUIKit</b> component is loaded. * * @param {string|number} id The <i>ID</i> of the <b>SGNUIKit</b> component to check. */ isComponentLoaded: function(id) { return this.components.hasOwnProperty(id); }, /** * Set the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. * * @param {boolean} isInit The the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. */ set init(isInit) { this.isInit = isInit; this.callCounts.init++; forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("init", this.isInit)); if(isInit) forEach(this.onInitListener, (listener) => listener(isInit)); }, /** * Get the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. * * @return {boolean} <b><i>TRUE</i></b> if <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready, <b><i>FALSE</i></b> otherwise. */ get init() { return this.isInit; }, /** * Set the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. * * @param {boolean} isReady The the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. */ set ready(isReady) { this.isReady = isReady; this.callCounts.ready++; forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("ready", this.isReady)); //this.onChangeListener.forEach((listener) => listener("ready", this.isReady)); if(isReady) forEach(this.onReadyListener, (listener) => listener(isReady)); //this.onReadyListener.forEach((listener) => listener(isReady)); }, /** * Get the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. * * @return {boolean} <b><i>TRUE</i></b> if <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready, <b><i>FALSE</i></b> otherwise. */ get ready() { return this.isReady; }, /** * Hold the <b>SGNUIKit</b> preloader even after <b>SGNUIKit</b> has finished loading the components. * * @param {boolean} hold The the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. */ set holdPreloader(hold) { this.isPreloaderHeld = hold; this.callCounts.holdPreloader++; forEach(this.onChangeListener, (listener) => listener("holdPreloader", this.isPreloaderHeld)); //this.onChangeListener.forEach((listener) => listener("holdPreloader", this.isPreloaderHeld)); }, /** * Get the status of readiness of <b>SGNUIKit</b>. * * @return {boolean} <b><i>TRUE</i></b> if <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready, <b><i>FALSE</i></b> otherwise. */ get holdPreloader() { return this.isPreloaderHeld; }, /** * Set the handler for <b>SGNUIKit</b> <b><i>OnChange</i></b> event, which will be triggered when a component is loaded/removed or the status of readiness is changed. * * @param {SGNUIKitChangeCallback}listener * @param {string|number}[id=undefined] */ setOnChangeListener: function(listener, id) { if(typeof id !== 'string' || $.isNumeric(id)) this.onChangeListener[id] = listener; else push(this.onChangeListener, listener); }, /** * Set the handler for <b>SGNUIKit</b> <b><i>OnReady</i></b> event, which will be triggered when the <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready. * * @param {SGNUIKitReadyCallback}listener * @param {string|number}[id=undefined] */ setOnInitListener: function(listener, id) { if(typeof id !== 'string' || $.isNumeric(id)) this.onInitListener[id] = listener; else push(this.onInitListener, listener); if(this.init) forEach(this.onInitListener, (listener) => listener(this.isInit)); }, /** * Set the handler for <b>SGNUIKit</b> <b><i>OnReady</i></b> event, which will be triggered when the <b>SGNUIKit</b> is ready. * * @param {SGNUIKitReadyCallback}listener * @param {string|number}[id=undefined] */ setOnReadyListener: function(listener, id) { if(typeof id !== 'string' || $.isNumeric(id)) this.onReadyListener[id] = listener; else push(this.onReadyListener, listener); if(this.ready) forEach(this.onReadyListener, (listener) => listener(this.isReady)); //this.onReadyListener.forEach((listener) => listener(this.ready)); }, }; window.SGNUIKit = SGNUIKit; if(typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { // EMBED JQUERY } /*** * @return {SGNUKConfig} */ const SGNUKConfig = function(config) { const plugin = this; const _defaults = { 'urls': { 'api': { 'geonames': 'https://secure.geonames.org/', 'osm': 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/' }, } } plugin.config = { 'api': { 'geonames': undefined //username }, 'geocoding': { 'defaultAPI': 'osm' } } const init = () => { plugin.config = Object.assign(plugin.config, config); plugin.config = Object.assign(plugin.config, _defaults); } init(); return plugin; }; ((callback) => { const head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], style = document.createElement("style"); const currentScript = document.currentScript || document.querySelector("script[src*=\"SGNUIKit.loader.js\"]"); let preloader = `\t\t\t<div class="preloader">\n`; //OTHER CODES HERE head.appendChild(style); preloaderElem.innerHTML = preloader; window.onload = function() { document.body.classList.add("has-preloader"); document.body.insertBefore(preloaderElem, document.body.firstChild); if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); }; })(() => { (async precallback => { const title = document.title; if(title !== undefined) document.title = "Loading..."; if(window.jQuery) $.holdReady(true); //OTHER CODES HERE async function finishLoad() { progress = (filestoload > 0) ? Math.round((filesloaded * 100) / filestoload) : 100; await new Promise(resolve => { if(filesloaded >= filestoload) { resolve(); } }).then(function() { document.querySelector('head > title').innerHTML = title; if(typeof precallback === "function" && progress === 100) precallback(); }); } })(function() { (async callback => { (() => { const startLoad = new Promise(async function(resolve) { await loadStyle(0); await loadScript(0); if(loaded === total) resolve(); }); startLoad.then(() => { finishLoad(); }); })(); async function finishLoad() { const progress = Math.round((loaded * 100) / total); await new Promise(resolve => { if(loaded === total) { resolve(); } }).then(function() { if(typeof callback === "function") callback(loaded, total, progress); }); } })((loaded, total, progress) => { if(progress === 100) { SGNUIKit.init = true; const styles = document.querySelector("style#sgn-uikit-styles"); const left = document.querySelector("style[data-cke=\"true\"]"); if(left !== null) left.parentNode.removeChild(left); if(styles !== null) styles.parentNode.removeChild(styles); $.holdReady(false); jQuery.ready(); } }); }); (() => { SGNUIKit.setOnChangeListener((prop, value) => { if(prop === 'holdPreloader') { if(SGNUIKit.init && !value) { finalize(true); } } else { if(prop === 'init' && value) { finalize(false); } } }, 'sgn-uk-prop-change-listener'); })(); }); tsconfig.json { "include": [ //"./src/addons/*.js", "./src/js/*.js" ], "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "./dist/lib", "declarationDir": "dist/types", "target": "ES6", "module": "ES6", "moduleResolution": "Classic", "strictPropertyInitialization": false, "esModuleInterop": true, "noImplicitAny": true, "noImplicitReturns": true, "noImplicitThis": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "removeComments": true, "allowJs": true, "checkJs": true, "strict": false, "skipLibCheck": true, "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, "alwaysStrict": true, "useDefineForClassFields": true, // Generate d.ts files "declaration": true, // only output d.ts files "emitDeclarationOnly": true, "declarationMap": true, //"types": [], "typeRoots": [ "./src/types" ] }, "exclude": [ "node_modules", "./node_modules", "./node_modules/*", "./node_modules/@types/node/index.d.ts", ".backup", ".github", "build", "demos", "dist", "docs", "release" ] }
  4. I am unable to download my backup files from johnny server help!!
  5. Hey so I shifted from infinityfree.net to heliohost.org, one thing I can't find in here is how to get website ip, in infinityfree; the website ip is stated on the front page along with other details (screenshot included) please help me find this in heliohost, thx
  6. Hi What is the limits for for PostgreSQL db?? Like heroku have 10000 rows limit. In elephantSQL we can see something like 20mb. Like that.. ANy row limit for Heliohost PostgreSQL??
  7. Hello. I am on the Johnny server for my site, and i am trying to install MediaWiki. However, it says this. The following errors were found : Required PHP extension not found: iconvI looked it up, and iconv is supposed to be enabled by default, so I don't know why its disabled or not there. Requesting it to have it be put back. EDIT: Fixed it, i changed to a newer version of PHP (i was on 7.2) and now it installed correctly. Lock this thread or something, or delete it.
  8. a. username - gypsyb b. the server - johnny.heliohost c. main domain - gypsybud.com
  9. Hello, today I got suspended (got unsuspended later heliohost username is painless) for high load spikes caused by my website. I would like to know what caused my website to load spike tommy.
  10. My account has suspended whyyy .. ?!!! , i want active my account my email : holaboss96@aol.com usr nme : holaboss
  11. Hello! Im trying to install Open source social network on my site but I dont have Php_fileinfo or php exif... how can I aquire them? Please and thank you for your help.
  12. I have set up my SSL in cpanel just like the Wiki said to do but once I go to my website cptns.ga. I get a message that it is not setup correctly. I have also changed my .htaccess file to force ssl but still doesn't work. I have no clue what I am doing wrong, and if anyone else has had something similar happen or knows how to fix this please respond. Thank you.
  13. Several days ago I created the subdomain (espanol.radioretroperu.com) wait for the dns to activate but too many days have passed and the subdomain is not shown. could someone tell me why I can't see my active subdomain? Is there something that can be done? thanks. Server: ricky
  14. Can someone help me please? I noticed that the hacker changed the password and the email of my account and now I can't even login! Here is my website: http://samilol.heliohost.org/ Thank you. -goom
  15. I need my website to be unarchived: http://treetransplanting.net/ I don't understand why you would archive it when I've made payment on time and no problem have ever occurred.
  16. Hi there, I am not sure if my account overloaded or something, but I installed OpenCart, played a little bit with it and soon after, my account started lagging. I also tried to connect via FTP a few times with wrong credentials so I'm not sure if I actually got locked out of my account.
  17. Hello, As the title specifies my account has been archived for inacvity, as I had to move countries and started new jobs, I didn't really had much time left for web development, as it is my hobby at the moment and I am trying to get a job in this field of work. I truly hope my account can be brought back to life. Thank's for your time, Kind regards, MadSpace.
  18. HelioHost username : fallench server your account is on : johnny.heliohost your HelioHost main domain : auth-vf-secure.heliohost.org Hello, my account has been blocked I had not seen anything yet.I just created an email and tested if I received it well. Two hours later my account was blocked. Please help me.
  19. Hey, I was wondering if there is a python shell. I was also wondering if you could install django version 1.9 onto the Tommy server please, thanks!
  20. Hey, I'm trying to switch my server from Johnny to Tommy. I'm trying to delete my account but is says: We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as active. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error. please help, Thanks!
  21. Hi admins, my IP adress got blocked due to SFTP Logins: Could you please unblock it? Thanks!
  22. HelioHost username: edge HelioHost domain: edge.heliohost.org please restore my data, i really need this =) Thanks
  23. hh_username: phantom2 (I already had an account under the same email for my new account. Something happened and it wouldn't allow me to login to my cpanel or open my site.) server: Johnny main domain: phantom2.heliohost.org I cleared the cache as recommend. I know that johnny can take sometime to activate accounts but I don't even get the option to login and refresh the page. cpanel might not be working or I'm just being really impatient. Also just wondering. When will there be enough space on Ricky for more users?
  24. hii I need help to deploy my war file onto my account Please help me asap. Thank you My Details: Username : rajbits Server : johnny War file Name : ShopperSquare.war Thank you again
  25. Hello, I was trying to set up a camera but I can not remember the ftp password, which caused the account to be blocked. The blocked ip is I'm sorry. Possible to reactivate it Thank you
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