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  1. I have two web-pages on my cPanel account: one static html page at https://ternsjo-it.heliohost.us/troff/one Java-war-application-page at https://ternsjo-it.heliohost.us/ternsjo_Troff/ both work fine at there respective url's, however, I would like users to simply type https://sb.troff.app to access my web application.When I create a subdomain, I must specify a "Root domain". IF I specify public_html/troff then the subdomain will point to the static page. Now my question is what I should specify in Document Root for the subdomain to point to the java-war-application-page? Thanks for trying to explain this! NOTE: I have tried to put "/public_html/ternsjo_Troff" as Document Root but it is not working...I use the Tommy server.
  2. Hello! Thanks for all the great support from the staff here! I'm trying to re-deploy my .war after the Tommy failure, I've got Java access, I've restored my .war from the backup, but then I hit this error message: Java deployment failed with errors. For further information please contact support. Could I get the log for the failure? What might be causing this issue now when it worked before the Tommy failure? Best, Adam username: tommygun domain: tommygun.heliohost.org
  3. Good morning, I recently asked for Java to be reinstated to my account (it was removed due to a Tomcat service problem, I believe). Then, once I got back to cPanel > Java, I uploaded two WAR files to be deployed. I can see the files in the file manager, but the Java section does not see them. The only option I have is the Upload WAR button. I can't deploy any of my WAR files. --- I know war deployment can take a while, but I don't think it should be that long for the platform to initially see the files. Thanks in advance for your help.
  4. I'm trying to deploy a new war file, and it appears to be stuck on "Java deployment pending. Refresh the page to check the status." Can someone please trigger the deployment? Thank you
  5. Hi team, without any action my Java WAR application went down about 2 hours ago. I am trying to deploy it again from the Java Tomcat section, but the deploy is failing with errors. Is it possible to know the reason? Everything was working fine until 2 hours ago and I did not change anything within it. User: shuffly Domain: shuffly-backend.heliohost.org Thanks for the support
  6. Hi team, yesterday I uploaded a new version of the WAR file to update my webapp and then I clicked on the deploy button. Since then, the deploy is still in "pending" status and seems to do not change from it (as now it is more than 24 hours). Can you please help on that? My info are: user: shuffly domain: shuffly-backend.heliohost.org Thanks for the help Best regards
  7. Please deploy my web app: user: tafimbir file: schools_management_system.war- server: Johnny.
  8. Hi, i have a deployed war and running web-application. Where do i find the log outputs from my application? Thank you in advance Kind regards Th. Müller
  9. I have uploaded my war file and now want to deploy it. Username: tonububt war filename: WebApplication1
  10. hii I need help to deploy my war file onto my account Please help me asap. Thank you My Details: Username : rajbits Server : johnny War file Name : ShopperSquare.war Thank you again
  11. Dear sir/Madam, I have uploaded my war file.please deploy it on the server.Java support is activated for my account. My username: nilban12 War filename: Prac.war
  12. war update request war file name: Website.war war file location :- booyum/home
  13. My war file deployment failed. It says that there are some errors. But my code doesnt jave any errors. It runs well in localhost server. Username: jaganra1 File : Harsha_Communications.war
  14. Please deploy CorporateWebSite.war. Username anoop963
  15. my username is scip2gov and i store my war file in side my home/username and my war file name is ElectoDemo.war please deploy it so i can run my website.
  16. Hi all, Wonderful service so far, really happy with this website. I'm running a Java server on Tommy, and I notice that it gets restarted or put to sleep regularly. Is this intended? The server I'm running was designed to run constantly. I need to regularly access a servlet page in order to keep the matchmaking service running. Cheers, Tommygun
  17. Hi, Please deploy the java application username: freedomp file: freedomp_blog.war Thanks,
  18. Please deploy the Java WAR file... Username: thakurs Filename: demo.war is it compulsory to request each time i upload a war file...... Thank you...
  19. Please deploy the Java WAR file... Username: wilgil Filename: Zaxxon.war Thank-you, William Gilreath.
  20. Hi, Please deploy my war username: stockdi1 file: MyHelioServlet.war Thanks
  21. I am new in real hosting. My johnny account is recently enabled java. I want to test this simple war file on heliohost. My user name is 'cp' and my war file name is 'helloweb.war'. Thanks.
  22. Hello, Please deploy my war file. username: xitix file: xitix_blog.war Thanks
  23. Hi, Please deploy my war username: stockdi1 file: MyHelioServlet.war Thanks
  24. Hello: Please deploy the following Java servlets... Username: wilgil Files: Zaxxon.war HelloWorldServlet.war Thank-you, William Gilreath.
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