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Complicated Johnny Account Recovery And Swap


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Hi there, my request is a little convoluted but doable.


The short version I'd like to recover an old Johnny account that I'm unable to access: jptsndbx with subdomain jptigersandbox.heliohost.org, originally registered to jtrekmmail@gmail.com but now apparently registered to another email I don't recognize. If that can be done, then you can delete the new account I made recently, ptsndbx, registered to jtrekmail@gmail.com and with subdomain jptsndbx.heliohost.org.

Here's the long version:


About... five years ago maybe, I registered for a Stevie account for my website and a Johnny account to use as a sandbox and testing ground for client websites. I registered Stevie under this user name (jptiger) with my main email address (joelrputnam@gmail.com). I bought a domain (joelrputnam.com) and let Stevie handle my DNS. I registered the Johnny account under the name jptsndbx with jtrekmail@gmail.com as the associated email, and chose the subdomain jptigersandbox.heliohost.org. Everything went along relatively smoothly, with only the usual Johnny amount of issues, one or two mysql account hiccups on both servers, nothing really serious.


But then Johnny crashed entirely several months ago and nobody could access their account. Not a huge deal for me, I didn't actually use my account on it much anyway any more. So I would try to log into cpanel every 30 days just to keep my account current and when I found that I couldn't, looked it up on this forum. An admin said our accounts wouldn't be deleted if we didn't log in while the server was down, so I stopped.


Then, of course Stevie crashed. This was a bigger problem as I still used it to host my main site. I checked my Johnny domain for the first time in months and was pleasantly surprised to see that Johnny seemed to be back online. I went to my old subdomain and saw the message that the account was still being set up. I figured this was a holding message for people like me who hadn't noticed that they could access their old JOhnny account again. So I tried logging into my cpanel, but was told my credentials were invalid. I asked to recover my password and was told to confirm my email, except that someone seems to have changed my email to something that fits the pattern f----n@q-----v.com. I don't own any emails that match that description.


So I waited until new signups were open for Johnny and pounced on a new account. I tried using jptsndbx again in case the credential thing turned out to be some kind of bug, but in stead of telling me the user name was taken, it just kept ignoring the first j. So I got the account "ptsndbx" on johnny, and registered subdomain jptsndbx.heliohost.org.


While Stevie is being sorted out, I'd like to get my old Johnny account back so I can get my Stevie site online again from my local backup. Is that possible?

Thank you guys for all your help in what must be a flood of customer service requests!

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The username jptsndbx, and the domain jptigersandbox.heliohost.org are now available to create your new Johnny account. Once you create your new account you can use http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete to delete your ptsndbx account. You'll need to use a temporary email for your new account and then we can change it I guess if you want to use the same email.

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