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HelioHost is proud to announce that we now offer HTTP/2 on our Tommy server. A lot of paid hosts don't even offer this latest web protocol yet, but you can get it for free on your website from us.


The first version of HTTP was standardized in the late 80s. Then it wasn't until 1997 that it was updated to HTTP/1.1. Over the last decade or so people have been realizing that version 1.1 has a lot of issues especially when it comes to encryption. Google took the initiative and invented their own protocol called SPDY, which is pronounced speedy, to help with some of the issues. HTTP/2 is based on a lot of the innovations of SPDY, and is designed to make the internet faster. HTTP/2 can help you, as a website owner, to provide a faster, more optimized website data to people who access your site with very little effort on your part. In fact all you need to do is create an account on Tommy. Within a few hours the AutoSSL on Tommy will set you up with an encrypted https connection to your site automatically. From then on anyone who visits your site from a modern browser that supports HTTP/2 protocol will use it. You can test to make sure your site is working properly with this tool https://tools.keycdn.com/http2-test


For multiple reasons we don't currently have any plans to enable HTTP/2 on Johnny. Mainly because Johnny is our experimental server and encounters high load frequently. HTTP/2 won't help enough to make a noticeable difference in speed on Johnny when the load is that high. If you want to experiment with HTTP/2 you'll need to make your account on Tommy for now. We plan on having HTTP/2 on Ricky too when we get that server online, and functional in the next month or so. Let us know if you have any questions, or need any help getting your site up and running on HTTP/2.

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