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[Solved] Johnny Php Does Not Work


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I'd add the following to ".htaccess" file directly inside your "public_html" folder. It stops download of PHP files anywhere on site (like homepage, or even config files), and shows an error message to user instead. Just remove it once you see from forum that they got this fixed:


ErrorDocument 403 "Sorry, but the website is down for server maintenance. Please, check back later :-}"


<Files ~ ".php">

Order allow,deny

Deny from all



------------> You can change the last part if you wish to the following, where "#.#.#.#" is replaced with your actual IP#. That way others see message and can't download file, but your IP# can access it. When your site is back up for you, instead of "downloading, remove this from .htaccess so others can then regain access to the then (hopefully soon for all of us) fuctioning website.


<Files ~ ".php">

Order allow,deny

Deny from all

Allow from #.#.#.#



<------ Remember, change "#.#.#.#" (no quotes to your actual IP#

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