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[Solved] Bug in login?


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A few days ago I've received an email from heliohost regarding account renewal.


I've followed the login link right away and logged in successfully to my account.


I've used the link provided by the email to login




Yet today my account was suspected for being inactive.


I've managed to unsuspend the account myself but you might take a look at the login monitor as it didn't counted my login.


deny @ tommy

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The /renew/ link is typically used to restore an account that went inactive already. If this was a reminder email that you were about to go inactive, https://heliohost.org/login/ would be more appropriate. You can also just use https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ (with nothing after the slash) to log in and have it count.


I'll let Krydos look at this to see why you didn't count when logging in through the /renew/ form.


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I've copied the wrong link when I was writing the post yesterday as I've mistaken entered the second email saying that my account has been discontinued.


The rest of the story is correct.

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Krydos I'm pretty sure it did as you would have been spammed by messages if that was wide.


I'm also sure that I've logged in too though and I just opened this thread in case there's a non always reproducible bug.

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We can test it on your account if you want? I could edit your last logged in date and you can try logging in various ways. Let me know if you want to try.


I suspect it was just a fluke. Perhaps the communication between Tommy and Cody was temporarily disrupted. The script that updates the last login date has no fallback if there is an error, nor does it test to see if the last login date was actually updated. It just sends one request to update the last login and then goes about it's business doing other things. If there were a lot of people having this issue I would be a lot more concerned. Most people that have issues with their login dates counting are logging in with a url like tommy.heliohost.org:2083/sess0000/frontend/paper_lantern/something/that/ends/in.html which will never work. Maybe Wolstech can recall if anyone has had an issue with https://www.heliohost.org/login/ before?

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