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Johnny Signups Limited


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Our free hosting is simply too popular. We can't handle the number of people who come to us looking for a place to host their website for free. We understand how frustrating it is to try to create an account only to be told that all the servers are full for the day. All of the HelioHost admins were once regular users just like you all, and we had to deal with limited signups to create our accounts as well. Most of us had to stay up until 2am or 3am multiple nights in a row to get an account and we know that's pretty frustrating.


Our hope with the Johnny server was to be able to provide unlimited signups so people who don't want to wait for a free signup on one of our production servers could create an account immediately and get started on their website. Then once they were done testing and experimenting they could move to Tommy or Ricky. Unfortunately unlimited signups aren't working. Johnny's uptime has dropped to a dismal 63%, and the load is through the roof 24 hours a day. We've done everything we can to reduce load by disabling most of the features that users on Tommy and Ricky enjoy, but still there are simply too many accounts being created on Johnny. We don't think it's fair for someone to create an account on Johnny only to realize too late that their website is pretty much never going to be online.


The only thing left that we can do is limit the number of new signups each day until we can get the uptime back to a reasonable level. Once the uptime and load get balanced out we'll open signups a little more, but try not to let this poor, overworked server get so overloaded again.

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