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[Solved] POSTGIS Issue


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I have postgis enabled on my postgresql database: jpsshort_cms.    The version is 2.07.  I am getting an error when trying to create point data.  The message states that I need JSON-C for ST_GeomFromGeoJSON.


The postgis version 2.07 needs JSON-C enabled in order for GeoJSON to work.


On my computer using localhost  I am using postgis version 2.5.2 which works OK because JSON-C is automatically installed.


Is it possible to have the later version of postgis if it is not possible to enable JSON-C on the current version 2.07 of postgis?






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Postgresql, postgis, and json-c are all already installed and at the latest version available. The upside to centos is it's rock-solid-stable and can run for months without a reboot. The downside to centos is the way it gets to be rock-solid-stable is by running ridiculously old well-tested versions of everything. I'm not going to install things from source on our shared hosting servers. I've spent years dealing with the messes and conflicts that come from installing things from source so we have to go with what is available in the package manager. If you need a newer version you'll need to get a vps. I recommend ubuntu 20 because it has the latest versions of everything available in apt.

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