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Why were the electoral votes screwed up. I thought it was just fine. Except with Florida, because it has two time zones the East side had a different time then the West side, thats why when people voted it was kind of screwed up, but it was just fine. Wasn't it?

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true.. but believe me. Better two strong partys than 30 week like my country. Here you kinda go by the person, cuz parties are not really relieble. and they swithc it almost daily

I much prefer going by person. Here, most people have a party that they are with, and they are stubborn about it and won't change. Instead of voting for the actual candidate, the actual person who will be the president, they vote for a party. That's just plain horrible.


I myself am smack dab in the middle. I don't like joining political parties, I believe it puts me into a bias. Some of my views are with one side, and my other views are with the other side.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Third parties never win. First of all they don't have enough money. Second, there aren't many people supporting them and only the small electoral states vote for them, so basically, they never win.


I am a Democrat, kind of reaching the Liberal side. Anyways I would support the Democratic people because, first of all democrats would support in a better education and not only in the military. Yah, yah, yah some of you may be thinking that you will have to pay more taxes because Democrats don't really support tax-cuts. Another reason why I would support the Democrats is because they like changes. Republicans are traditional and they don't like radical changes, but Democrats do. I would want this so then everyone would have a, mabye, almost perfects place to live, because you would know that if something happens the government would change something and not stick with the traditional method.


These were some of the many reasons why I would support the Democratic Party although I am kind of a Liberal.

Stanton, you realised you almost exactly quoted Mr. Villers (the social studies teacher) in that first sentence? :lol:


I'm more of left wing, because republicans are generally traditional and don't support changes. Before we studied the election system, political parties and other related things in social studies, I really didn't care about who was the president.

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