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  1. Hi team, I need remote access to the postgresql database from any ip. server: tommy.heliohost.org user: ducquang_dev database: ducquang_hoidonghuong_vnuhcm
  2. yes i still need it. Sorry my english is not very good
  3. Hi team, I need remote access to the postgresql database from any ip. Server: tommy.heliohost.org Postgresql user: "ducquang_dev" and "ducquang_user" Postgresql database: "ducquang_quanlytrangtrai" Thank you in advance
  4. Hi team, I need remote access to the postgresql database from any ip. Server: tommy.heliohost.org Postgresql user: "ducquang_dev" Postgresql database: "ducquang_quanlygia" Thank you in advance
  5. Hi team, I need remote access to the postgresql database from any ip. Server: tommy.heliohost.org Postgresql user: "ducquang_dev" Postgresql database: "ducquang_quanlychitieunhom" Thank you in advance
  6. user : ducquang_main Only when I execute query use phppgadmin on cpanel it's fine. Run on others, it not working
  7. Hi Krydos, I have an error insert data with id type serial:"ERROR: permission denied for sequence users_id_seqSQL state: 42501"please help me. Thank you in advance
  8. Hi team, I need remote access to the postgresql database from any ip. Server: tommy.heliohost.org Postgresql user: "ducquang_main" Postgresql database: "ducquang_crowdworks" Thank you in advance
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