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  1. Apparently Java was restored on our account already, as the 'deploy' button was visible. However, deployment of our WAR file is still pending, it's been pending for about 12 hours now... What's happening?
  2. It seems our servlet has been undeployed, for some reason. Java was still active, but requesting the servlet resulted in a 404 error. Why!? We use our servlet regularly and I logged into my account after an inactivity warning, so that cannot have caused this issue. I now redeployed our WAR file, but I certainly hope this won't happen again... [edit] Deployment is pending for over 10 minutes now, but still didn't succeed, has deploy.conf been changed? [/edit]
  3. That's good to know. Have our configuration settings in deploy.conf (deploying to vukosyst_web from vukosyst_web.war) been saved? If not, could you please reapply them? Thanks!
  4. Not that I'm aware of, I didn't receive any messages... How could I have become inactive? Please let me know what caused this and how to prevend this happening in the future. Thanks!
  5. We requested Java/Tomcat functionality earlier, but now cPanel tells me Java is "not currently enabled" and I need to request access. What happened!?
  6. So, topicstarter and everyone reading, please have a look at this topic: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/31605-cant-send-e-mails-from-servlet/ Sending e-mails through Gmail SMTP now works, at least from my Java servlet!!!
  7. Yes!!! What did you do? Thanks for the support, again!
  8. Wolstech, please read my post again. I switched from gmail smtp to the (authenticated) smtp server of our 'main' hosting provider and still can't get it working... Maybe tomcat log files show more info? Will post source code asap, by the way.
  9. We use a Java servlet that has an e-mail functionality which sends e-mails through an external SMTP server. Due to the fact that we cannot use the Gmail-SMTP server for sending e-mails (see https://helionet.org/index/topic/31408-unable-to-connect-to-smtp-smtpgmailcom587/), I wanted to use the SMTP-server of IXL hosting (ixlhosting.nl) that hosts our website: mail.vuko.nl. Our code works locally, but not on Tommy. I tested the code with both port 25 and port 587, both on the insecure SMTP-server mail.vuko.nl. Unfortunately, the server does not support TLS/SSL. Do you have any idea why this is not working? Can you look up log files that describe the error or can I see them myself? Thanks, Martijn
  10. It seems like this is why the e-mail functionality in our servlet is not working (on Tommy). Did you get in touch with Google/team Gmail to hear why they're not transporting emails that were sent from a Heliohost domain?
  11. Nevermind, we had an error in our code. I'm able to read/write to the db-file, indeed. Could you please remove/edit your previous post as others now also know the db-name and have access to it through Tomcat? Thanks for all the support. we're up and running now! Next episode: configuring a cron job that sends the db to an e-mail address once a week...
  12. Thanks Krydos! We tried to connect to our SQLite DB in /home/vukosyst (the db file received CHMOD 0666), but the webapp now gives a 500 error. Is the relative location /home/vukosyst/[dbname].db correct or did we perhaps make a mistake there? As we now have a (sort of) drag-and-droppable webapp that requires minimal configuration, we prefer to keep the solution with the SQLite DB. If it's not possible to connect to it from the web app, is it possible for you to - on request - copy the db file to a folder that we can reach as we cannot reach it within the tomcat web-inf folder?
  13. Yes, it does! What did you change? Can we deploy from vukosyst_web.war from now on? Is Tomcat able to find files in /home/vukosyst? If so, we can place the SQLite db there, otherwise we'll need to take care of a MySQL connection.
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