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  1. Greetings, I need my website to be unarchive please, I would really appreciated if that is possible. http://arabic.highlight.heliohost.org/ Thank you very much
  2. Thank you very much!! we appreciate your fast reply!
  3. Greetings, I'm trying to re-use the website created in Ricky, but it has been archived . I'd appreciated if you could help me unarchive it. Thank you very much!
  4. Thank you for answering!! Following your solution, now: it doesn't give a 500 error regarding non-English String, however it still can't be printed The only way to print it, is as a "unicode", generating this output other than that nothing even shows on the screen. I'm sorry for such a bad explanation, and thank you very much for replying!! UPDATE: FIXED! Thank you a lot
  5. Greeting, This a newpie here, I got a problem (500 error) with the server caused by this code new_message = "<p dir=\"rtl\" lang=\"ar\" style=\"color:#e0e0e0;font-size:20px;\">رَبٍّ زِدْنٍي عِلمًا</p>" it works with my python shell, but not on the server, is the server cgi files can't take a foreign language? or is it my code? I'm not sure what to do to fix this. Please help me out! Thank you so much!! I appreciate your hard work UPDATE: FIXED! Thank you a lot UPDATE: FIXED! Thank you a lot
  6. Greetings, I am new to heliohost, using Ricky, and I'm working on a project that required 2 python libraries that wasn't available on heliohost. This is the version that works for me without getting a 500 error #!/usr/bin/python I'm not sure which version is running with that definition, but it's the only one working. I really need the NLTK version after 2017 (NLTK 3.3 or above) and heapq package to complete my code please if it's capable on the server. If it's not possible, I would really appreciate it if you could help me to install it directly with the pip! PS: I tried to install it using various ways, one of it was (got 500 error): #!/usr/bin/python import cgi from subprocess import call from sys import executable import pip call([executable,'-m', 'pip', 'install','--trusted-host=pypi.org', '--trusted-host=files.pythonhosted.org', 'nltk']) Thank you very very much for your work!! Please keep the awesome work
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