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  1. While the graphics for MGS 4 are spectacualar, I think the best graphics playable on an affordable system are in Halo 3.
  2. The Wii has nice innovations, but the graphics lack luster, and the PlayStaion3 is too expenseive for most casual gamers to see a reason to shell out the cash. The Xbox 360 has decent graphis (as Halo 3 has flaunted!) and is more availible.
  3. I would like to ask for opinions on main gaming compainies. Not the developers of the games themselves, (Ea, Ubisoft, Bethdesa), but the makers of our dear colsoles and handhelds. My opinions are as follows. I could ramble about htis for days, so I'll give you the abbridged version. Microsoft has made some very big steps as far as Next generation graphics goes. I have an Xbox 360, and love it. Most predominant titles nowadays are released on the 360, making it a practical alternative for the MUCH more expensive PlayStation3. Sony. The Playstaion three has fantastic graphics, but it's far too expensive to be seriously considered at the moment. After it's been out for a while, it will likely become much more affordable, but right now, it isn't particularly practical. Nintendo! Although the wii leaves much o be desired in the way of graphics, Nintendo has always gone where other comanies feared to tread, with their innovations in touch-screen and motion-interactive technology. So what are your opinions?
  4. I'm not currently in possession of a cell phone, so I can only acess the internet on my computer. My computer is a Dell, by the way. I'm perosnally boycotting Apple products...I also use my Wi-Fi on my Nintendo DS Lite, if that counts.
  5. It's odd for me to be involved in an online community with a majority of members in my age group. Typically, when I try to get involved with a programming or design group, my age is looked down upon. I am forced to rely on free hosting, since my hosting fees aren't high on my parents' priority list. As if they actually have a list...Still, I want to actually do something with my coding and programming knowledge, so here I am. By the way, I hope none of you think less of me for it, but I am 14 and a freshman in High School.
  6. Welcome Jay! I hate to ask a already asked question, but wwhat programmng language do you use?
  7. Thank you for the link, and I will look into it. However, perhaps you should try to be a bit more literate?
  8. The music has declined, I agree, but I still love Metallica...
  9. 1.Maroon Five 2.Maroon Five 3.Maroon Five 4.Maroon Five 5.Maroon Five It's a very popular band, but it lacks so much in the way of individualistic music and melodies that are actually complicated. I respect bands that play complicated music, though simplistic music can really shine through in some cases. I just hate Maroon Five.
  10. Vocals, panio, flute, recorder, harmonica, and I'm learning guitar.
  11. The Root of All Evil was very interesting, and I agree with most of the points argued. Religion is, in theory, sensible, but end up pushin people apart more than it brings them together.
  12. Well...I don't think all drug users are bad people. Drugs aren't the answer though. I just got over a 4 years hard addiction to opiate painkillers. And I must say, I spent four years living in a dream. After the withdrawls (which weren't as bad as I thought they'd be) I felt like I'd woken up from a deep sleep, like the world had gone on without me. I didn't even remember most of my relationships...I was on painkillers almost constantly. I would never wish that on anyone. Why? Because if you're having problems, and you turn to drugs after it's over, everything will just be worse.
  13. Nice! Wow, sad part is, I probably would be the jerk who still came back.
  14. Lol. I just realized I'm laughing at a poop joke. Mature of me...
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