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Ross Phinkter

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    Space & Time

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  1. Thank you for the reply. I figured there was something going on. I have heard nothing but good things about heliohost and I hope they recover very soon.
  2. I signed up 4 days ago (Dec 4), received an e-mail that my hosting account was installed, but can not navigate to my cPanel or otherwise find any information on the status of my account. Does this have anything to do with "Mega downtime"? How long should I wait before querying someone at customer support?
  3. I don't think we are fully capable of understanding it at this point, however, if you look around at any of the items in this physical universe it becomes clear that something/someone utilizing creative force/intention created/made them. Nothing just "*popped* into existence without some force there making it happen. If cars and computers and blenders don't do that, how did the entire system which contains those things do it? There had to be some sort of creative force (many call it God)...but I highly doubt it's a guy on a throne waiting to punish me.
  4. "Drugs" is a blanket label given to various substances in our society which the people in control of our lives want us to think are bad while the good "drugs" (i.e. medicine) can be given to children (Ritalin, Prozac, etc.) Two of the most dangerous drugs, which cause more deaths per year than all the illegals combined, alcohol and tobacco, are legal because our government makes money from their sale. (Sickness and death are also BIG BUSINESS so that is another reason for their legality.) Substances which cause a person to question the power structures which attempt to control our lives and help free us from it are demonized and criminalized...such as Cannabis, LSD, Peyote and other sacred substances. Seriously, look at the societies/cultures who hold those things sacred vs. the war-mongering, consumerist culture which absolutely hates and demonizes them. And yes, as the above poster stated, read erowid.org and any books on sacred plants and Shamanism. You'll be glad you did.
  5. First: Then: And no wreckage of an airplane at the Pentagon and all the video tapes from a nearby hotel (which captured it all) confiscated by government agents and never released to the public? Quite interesting...
  6. I voted "No religion". I currently explore Shamanism and various subjects but my state of mind remains what people call "Agnostic."
  7. The world is undergoing massive transformations in awareness and some who have a vested interest in awareness staying small and being decreased are fighting hard (instigating wars, spreading crap in the mainstream media which is mostly owned and controlled by the same people, and pushing consumerism/materialism and other things like pharmaceuticals to children and on and on). If anyone is really interested in this subject there are some great resources out there: One of which is an audio presentation entitled "Reality 2.0" by Daniel Pinchbeck. Some public libraries have it. David Icke, Robert Anton Wilson and many other researchers have uncovered some fascinating data. http://www.learnoutloud.com/Sale-Section/H...eality-20/28422
  8. The party which most closely represents my ideals is the Libertarian party. The two primary parties are two faces on the same beast. Although not complete, I think this sums it up fairly well:
  9. I think he is a puppet on a string....much like the majority of other Presidents. Big business, international banking and purposely created consumer mania really runs this country. Not these silly governments and politicians who try to control our lives.
  10. In the U.S.: John F. Kennedy Abraham Lincoln Of course those Presidents had their problems (only human), but they did more good than harm and look what happened. Kennedy gave a speech concerning secret societies (i.e. the shadow government that really runs the government facade) which you can find in various places on the net. Some people have Youtube videos set to this partcular speech.
  11. Hey all, Just thought I would stop by and introduce myself. My name is Ross and I am currently learning HTML and CSS. After I get more proficient at those, I am moving over to learning either Python and/or Ruby...most likely Ruby. At the school I go to, we had a semester of programming and all the Instructor did was monotonously read straight from a book about Visual Basic for 9 weeks. It was a nightmare, but I am finally and fully recovered. I found this website through a listing of free web hosting sites and will hopefully be gathering much knowledge through practice and interacting with others. Peace, RP
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