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  1. Hello! I was a user on tommy and i've donated several times (my last donation's ID for sparkie is 4MH32075PX2365908), could i get an invitation to ricky until tommy is back on? My username was cesarep, i recreated my account a couple minutes ago with my email cesar.e.p@hotmail.com Also, the domain "platocenter.com.br" was pointed to tommy, in case you need to fix the DNS, and i'd like to create the domain "cesarep.eng.br" on the DNS records too, but i'm able to do it by myself once i get the invitation right? Thank you!
  2. i just realized the username is cesarep_cesar, i thought it was the cpanel username haha
  3. Hi, the places i would like to access all have dynamic IPs, on one of them i have a ddns working, is it possible? if it's not, there's really no problem, i could handle myself without it, but i really need postGIS, does Tommy support it? username is cesarep Thanks!
  4. Hi! Could you enable remote access and also enable postgis on my postgres database on both public and temp schema? the db name is cesarep_bike on the tommy machine. Thank you!
  5. I'm looking for something that works like this: I already have my pages coded and want to add element like an articles feed, some spaces that can be edited online once logged into the admin account, like most CMSs, only not restricted to a template. Something that I can add a <? include 'cmf/connection.php'; ?> on the top of the page, a <? display_feed('feedXYZ'); ?> in the middle of the code and a GUI in a admin page to manage it, besides the on-page editor. For all i've looked so far, it should be classified as a CMF, but the documentation of the CMFs I'm founding doesn't seem like anything I want. So I already sketched out some ideas to provide what I want and even more. Do you guys know something like it? If you don't, would you use something like it? Is it worth the time developing it? Thanks!
  6. I ended up using another username, don't know why i wasn't using it on the old account. I'm trying to add an addon domain, but it seems that it's still linked to the old account, could you free up platocenter.com.br? Thank you!
  7. Hi, i donated a small amount with someone else's paypal (ID: 55X31891VA164774H) could you send the invitation to my email, cesar.e.p@hotmail.com? I said I was going to put it on the the special instructions on paypal but i clicked so fast i didn't even remember to do it . My account on stevie was cesaredu with the domain cesaredupet.heliohost.com. Thank you!
  8. Can I donate from someone else's paypal account and put in the special instructions my account's email? I only have a debit card, and paypal doesn't support it. Thank you!
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